Computer Storage

I mainly use the harddisks in the PCs I run for storage of Hidef movies and TV series.

Current storage situation
livingroom PC3.5TBsingle disk3.5TB500GB Crucial MX500 SSD, 1TB Crucial MX500, 1.05TB MX300 Crucial, 1TB Samsung EVO970 nvme
livingroom HTPC256GBsingle disk256GB256GB Crucial M4 SSD
NasPC112TB60GB Boot
14x4T RAIDZ2
14x4T RAIDZ2
96TB60GB Intel 330 series, 14x4TB Seagate, 14x4TB Seagate
NasPC296TB120GB Boot
12x8T RAIDZ2
80TB120GB Intel 330, 12x8TB Seagate Constellation
LinuxPC36TBSSD 30G for boot
SSD 60G share
30TB128GB Crucial C300 SSD, 12x3TB Seagate
ServerPC5TBSSD 120G for boot
4TB120GB Crucial M500 SSD, 5x1.05TB Crucial SSD
Atom Low power PC (11W)256GB1x30GB boot
226GB500GB Crucial BX100 SSD (220G unformatted)
old pc win72.7TBsingle disk2.5TB256GB Crucial M4 SSD, 480GB Crucial M500, 1x 2TB Seagate

I store all data to ZFS on Linux since version 0.6.2. Recently ZFS on Linux (0.8.6) was integrated in OpenZFS 2.0 sharing sourcecode with FreeBSD and Illumos the opensource version of Solaris where ZFS was first developed under Sun Microsystems. The previous LVM raid 0 volumes have been moved to ZFS pools with RAIDZ1 or RAIDZ2.
RAIDZ1 is like RAID5 and can withstand 1 disk breaking. RAIDZ2 can withstand 2 disks breaking. But after disk failure recovery is only needed for the data, not the entire disk so it is much quicker than plain RAID5 or RAID6.
ZFS keeps checksums on all data to ensure data integrity at all times. For RAIDZ1 there is the space of 1 spare disk, for RAIDZ2 (like RAID6) the space of 2 spare disks is needed and used for CRC data and other ZFS overhead data. Besides that ZFS/RAIDZ takes about 5% of the volume size for additional overhead.
Currently the 10x2T are retired and the healthy ones were sold.
I have 12x3T in raidz2, integrated in my linux desktop PC.
In Nas1 there are 14x4T in RAIDZ2 plus another 14x4T in RAIDZ2. So 2 pools with 1 vdev each.
In Nas2 I have 12x8T in RAIDZ2.
The always on XeonD server has 5x 1TB SSD in RAIDZ1.
I keep separate pools in order to be able to swap them out to different PC's. I have removed the 10x2T because 2 disks were failing and 3 more were pending failure. No data was lost.
The main NAS PC has 8 onboard sata interfaces and 24 extra sata interfaces through a sas card, there are 24 regular bays (2x10 + one 4in3 bay) and I have stacked 1 seperate 4 drive bay inside the case. Currently 28 bays are in use. The free PCI-E 4x slot is now used for a 10Gbe Intel X520-DA1 network card with SFP+.
The second NAS PC has 14 onboard sata interfaces, 1x for boot 12x in use for the data disks, 1x free sata. It has a 10Gbe Intel X520-DA2 network card with SFP+. It is managed via IPMI (Supermicro).
The XeonD has 6 sata interfaces. 1x boot plus 5x data. It has onboard 10Gbe RJ45. It also has IPMI (Supermicro) for management.

Disk inventory ::
12x Seagate 8.0TB : ST8000NM0055 (7200 rpm) (sata3, 256MB)
27x Seagate 4.0TB : ST4000DM000 (5900 rpm) (sata3, 64MB)
1x Seagate 4.0TB : ST4000DM005 (5900 rpm) (sata3, 64MB)
12x Seagate 3.0TB : ST3000DM001 (7200 rpm) (sata3, 64MB) (1x broken)
1x Seagate 3.0TB : ST3000DM007 (5900 rpm) (20mm thin disk,SMR,256MB)
9x Seagate 2.0TB : ST2000DL003 (5900 rpm) (sata3, 64MB) (2x broken)
1x Seagate 2.0TB : ST2000DM001 (7200 rpm)
2x Seagate 2.0TB : ST32000542AS (5900 rpm)
2x WesternDigital 2.0TB : WD20EARS Caviar Green 2TB, 64MB (1x broken)
4x Samsung 1.5TB : HD154UI Green (5400 rpm)
4x Seagate 1.5TB : ST31500341AS
6x Samsung 1TB : HD103UJ
5x Samsung 750G : HD753LJ
4x Samsung 500G : HD501LJ
7x SSD : 60GB + 120GB Intel 330 , 128GB Crucial C300, 2x 256GB Crucial M4, 120GB + 480GB Crucial M500
9x SSD : 6x 1TB Crucial MX300, 500GB Crucial BX100, 1x 1TB Crucial MX500, 1x 1TB Samsung EVO970 nvme
3x SSD external : 2x Samung T5 500GB usb-c and 1x Samsung T5 1TB usb-c

This table shows Linux kernel versions and ZFS/SPL versions used currently :
ZFS version (git zfs) kernelSPLZFSOS version
atom645.15.38nonenone Slackware 15.0
riwilinux5.15.382.2.6-12.2.6-1 Slackware 15.0
riwinas5. Slackware 15.0
riwinas25. Slackware 15.0
riwixeon5.15.632.2.6-12.2.6-1 Slackware 15.0

This table shows the storage usage per pool:
drivetotalusedfree%graph bar

This table shows the health of each individual disk as well as some statistics.
devicevolumediskmodelserialtemphourspower on countreported_uncorrectcurrent_pending_sectoroffline_uncorrectablereallocated_sector_count
riwilinux:/dev/sdbzfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1CH166Z1F1PTZ738 C641113290000
riwilinux:/dev/sdczfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1CH166Z1F31RN539 C552811290000
riwilinux:/dev/sddzfs-pool3ST3000DM007-1WY10GZFN35WNB40 C291920000
riwilinux:/dev/sdezfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1CH166Z1F1P72Z36 C642113370000
riwilinux:/dev/sdfzfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1CH166Z1F1PR6B37 C642113300000
riwilinux:/dev/sdgzfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1CH166Z1F1NLX937 C641213310000
riwilinux:/dev/sdhzfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1CH166Z1F1QAT838 C641713320000
riwilinux:/dev/sdizfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1CH166Z1F1MLHG37 C641913290000
riwilinux:/dev/sdjzfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1CH166W1F39TEE36 C46219660000
riwilinux:/dev/sdkzfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1CH166W1F39TEB38 C46129640000
riwilinux:/dev/sdlzfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1ER166Z501H1Q736 C14843801008
riwilinux:/dev/sdmzfs-pool3ST3000DM001-1ER166Z501KWLN37 C14943760000
devicevolumediskmodelserialtemphourspower on countreported_uncorrectcurrent_pending_sectoroffline_uncorrectablereallocated_sector_count
riwinas:/dev/sda-noneINTEL SSDSC2CT060A3CVMP215605Q1060AGNnone1265118180000
riwinas:/dev/sdaazfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z300V3KX23 C45368230000
riwinas:/dev/sdabzfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z3013WLW24 C46188230000
riwinas:/dev/sdaczfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z300K11N25 C798315590000
riwinas:/dev/sdbzfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z301GP5Q22 C40008180000
riwinas:/dev/sdczfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z301GE5S21 C40018180000
riwinas:/dev/sddzfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z304WYTA22 C238040000
riwinas:/dev/sdezfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z303Y4ZP21 C238010000
riwinas:/dev/sdfzfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z300K08K25 C799815590000
riwinas:/dev/sdgzfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z3013VNL24 C45898210000
riwinas:/dev/sdhzfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z300V3G123 C46288220000
riwinas:/dev/sdizfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z30146PF24 C45858250000
riwinas:/dev/sdjzfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z300MC1Z25 C799015590000
riwinas:/dev/sdkzfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z300MB1C25 C798815590000
riwinas:/dev/sdlzfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z300MB1L24 C799215590000
riwinas:/dev/sdmzfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z300K0PQ24 C799215590000
riwinas:/dev/sdnzfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z301GNNK22 C41377530000
riwinas:/dev/sdozfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z301GDD322 C41377530000
riwinas:/dev/sdpzfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z301GRFN22 C41387530000
riwinas:/dev/sdqzfs-pool5ST4000DM005-2DP166ZDH1BGYF22 C27705330000
riwinas:/dev/sdrzfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z30156CH24 C684413550000
riwinas:/dev/sdszfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168Z30147QZ25 C684613550000
riwinas:/dev/sdtzfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168W300BMH025 C769114950000
riwinas:/dev/sduzfs-pool4ST4000DM000-1F2168W300G8KQ24 C769214950000
riwinas:/dev/sdvzfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z3013VLC24 C45918220000
riwinas:/dev/sdwzfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z3013W9T24 C45918230000
riwinas:/dev/sdxzfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z3013YJL24 C45878230000
riwinas:/dev/sdyzfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z3013XE424 C45398230000
riwinas:/dev/sdzzfs-pool5ST4000DM000-1F2168Z300V34224 C46258230000
devicevolumediskmodelserialtemphourspower on countreported_uncorrectcurrent_pending_sectoroffline_uncorrectablereallocated_sector_count
riwinas2:/dev/sda-noneINTEL SSDSC2CT120A3CVMP2152038G120BGNnone200524940000
riwinas2:/dev/sdbzfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA174S1D30 C8452270000
riwinas2:/dev/sdczfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA16ZH1W31 C8722270000
riwinas2:/dev/sddzfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA174RC132 C8862270000
riwinas2:/dev/sdezfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA16ZE7L35 C8722270000
riwinas2:/dev/sdfzfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA174RLC36 C8712270000
riwinas2:/dev/sdgzfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA174RMR36 C7192770000
riwinas2:/dev/sdhzfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA174RV236 C7242270000
riwinas2:/dev/sdizfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA16ZRXH36 C7092730000
riwinas2:/dev/sdjzfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA174RDB34 C7212830000
riwinas2:/dev/sdkzfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA15H4W836 C7252270000
riwinas2:/dev/sdlzfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA174RE635 C7092760000
riwinas2:/dev/sdmzfs-pool8ST8000NM0055-1RM112ZA174SDG35 C7152270000
devicevolumediskmodelserialtemphourspower on countreported_uncorrectcurrent_pending_sectoroffline_uncorrectablereallocated_sector_count
riwixeon:/dev/sda-noneCrucial_CT120M500SSD11308092BD91E30 C78418760000
riwixeon:/dev/sdbzfs-pool0Crucial_CT1050MX300SSD1163813FCCF2432 C70644280001
riwixeon:/dev/sdczfs-pool0Crucial_CT1050MX300SSD1163813FCD7FE32 C70645280000
riwixeon:/dev/sddzfs-pool0Crucial_CT1050MX300SSD11631137A420530 C69192290000
riwixeon:/dev/sdezfs-pool0Crucial_CT1050MX300SSD11631137A1D3830 C69233280001
riwixeon:/dev/sdfzfs-pool0Crucial_CT1050MX300SSD1163813FCCD4D31 C69929290000
devicevolumediskmodelserialtemphourspower on countreported_uncorrectcurrent_pending_sectoroffline_uncorrectablereallocated_sector_count
atom64:/dev/sda-noneCT500BX100SSD11449F000999E34 C1748260000